Research Experience
Virtual and Augmented Reality Graduate Teaching Assistant (Cornell Tech)
Advised by Harald Haraldsson
Currently guiding students, helping them learn about Virtual Environments and deploy AR/VR applications
Graduate Research Assistant at IVILab (Virginia Tech)
Advised by Dr. Yalong Yang
Exploring cross-device collaboration between immersive and non-immersive devices using Unity and SAGE3
Graduate Research Assistant at Echolab (Virginia Tech)
Advised by Dr. Sang Won Lee
Investigating collaborative experiences in virtual environments in Unity, using Handheld Mixed Reality
Virtual Environments Graduate Teaching Assistant At Virginia Tech
Currently guiding students, helping them learn about Virtual Environments and deploy AR/VR applications
Undergraduate Researcher
University of Nevada, Reno
Advised by Dr. Fred Harris
Made VR applications, VR packages, game design, game networking, mostly with Unity
Helped develop collaborative educational game with Polymorphic Games
Computer Architecture and Organization Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
University of Nevada, Reno
Graded, lectured, and tutored students
Took on leadership roles with timely execution